
Uruguayan Pampas Grass "Pink pampas plume" - Cortaderia selloana.
Extremely decorative, perennial, evergreen cereal plant.
Perrenial, impressively tall ornamental grass. Under favourable growing conditions, can reach height of 4..
Switch grass ''Primo'' - Panicum virgatum.
An annual, multi-stemmed, erect plant 40-70 cm high. The leaves are quite wide and long.
The panicles are very large, up to 25 cm, dense at the base, spreading higher, with small,..
Bracted strawflower "Orange Crown" (everlasting) - Helichrysum bracteatum.
Excellent dried flowers for original winter compositions.
This plant has earned its popularity among many dried flowers due to its large and spectac..
Ornamental millet "Copper Prince" F1 - Pennisetum glaucum.
Blooms all summer!
Beautiful annual herbaceous ornamental plant, 80-90 cm tall. Grows and thrives well.
The inflorescence is a dense fluffy dark purple-brown cylinder, 15-20 cm h..
Pigeongrass "Purple Baron" F1 (cattail millet) - Pennisetum glaucum.
Eng.: Pearl millet, bulrush millet, cattail millet, pigeongrass, wild millet, yellow bristlegrass. Bot. syn.: Panicum americanum L., Panicum coeruleum Mil..
Pink Helipterum (double mix) - Acroclinium roseum.
The plant belongs to the group of dried flowers. Plant height: 40-60 cm.
Helipterum flowers are very similar to daisy flowers: they sit on thin stems, they can be simple, semi-double and doubl..
Flat sea holly "White Glitter" (plains eryngo) - Eryngium planum.
Garden and winter bouquet decoration.
Perennial plant of the Apiaceae family.
Height of flowering plant: 80 cm.
Inflorescence diameter: 2-3 cm.
Flower col..
Purple Love Grass - Eragrostis spectabilis.
For the rockgarden. Flowers or seedcapsules for cutting.
Flowering period: VIII-X.
Winter hardiness zone: Z5-10.
Heigh: 50 cm.
Brilliant purple-red flower racemes, dense compact clumps, ..
Pyrenean eryngo - Eryngium bourgatii.
Location: prefer open sunny places with well-drained soils.
Soil: any soil is suitable for planting. Under each plant, 1-2 handfuls of lime (ground eggshell) should be added, which will contribute to a more int..
Dithering-grass (Cow-quake Tottergrass, Quaking-grass) - Briza media.
Forms surprisingly dynamic compositions in the foreground in mixed plantings, rocky hills and mixborders.
Thanks to rounded trembling spikelets, it looks great in dry bouque..
Decorative rice "Black Madnes" - Oryza sativa.
An interesting addition to the group of ornamental cereals. Purple-leaved dwarf form of sowing rice is an annual plant with original coloring. In the conditions of northern latitudes..
Rye "Sito 70" - Secale cereale L.
Very early mid-height variety with excellent characteristics:
* high resistance to low temperatures.
* good resistance to common rye diseases.
This variety has large, dark green grains that can be used ..
Safflower "Orange Bowl".
Arrangement novelty.
Sowing time: April, May.
Flowering time: June, July, August.
Planting method: open ground.
Plant 80-120 cm tall, straight branched stems with inflorescences with baskets at the end..
Plains eryngo "Blaukappe" (Sea Holly) - Eryngium planum.
An original, graceful and very delicately decorative perennial!
An upright perennial herbaceous plant from the Apiaceae family, 60-70 cm high.
Origin: Central and South-Eastern Eur..
Siberian Statice - Statice gmelinii.
Vigorous perennial plant about 60-90 cm high. Lavender-blue flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 70 cm in diameter. Blooms in late summer - early autumn. The plant is very beautiful both alive and d..
Mosquito Grass (Side-Oats Grama Grass) - Bouteloua gracilis.
It grows on open dry plains, often on the barren soils of the North American continent, on which this species occupies vast areas.
Low grassy plant 20-40 cm tall with flowers ap..
Silver Spike Grass - Achnatherum calamagrostis = Stipa calamogrostis is a Perennial herb from the Poaceae family, known by the common names spike grass, needle grass.
Origin: grows in clearings and screes in the mountains of central a..
Weather Thistle (Silver thistle) - Carlina acaulis ssp. simplex.
Origin: Southern and Eastern Europe.
Large, shiny white flowering blooms with silvery foliage.
History: The Genus comes from Charles (Carolus). According to medieval folklore, C..
Sinuate statice "Blue".
The plant is a perennial, cultivated as an annual.
Stems up to 70 cm high. Basal leaves are numerous up to 10 cm long. In culture since 1600.
Location: statice - the plant is quite cold-resistant, can ..
Wavyleaf Sealavender "Blue" - Limonium sinuatum.
The best dry flower!
Statice is one of the most popular dried flowers. A plant up to 60 cm high. Dried flowers retain their color for a long time. Blooms profusely from July until fros..
Sinuate statice "Dark Blue".
Perennial plant, cultivated as an annual.
Stems up to 70 cm high. Basal leaves are numerous, up to 10 cm long. In cultivation since 1600.
Location: statice is a fairly cold-resistant plant, can tolerat..
Sea Lavender "Heavenly Blue".
One of the most popular dried flowers. The plant is up to 70 cm high. Dried flowers retain their color for a long time.
Blooms profusely from July until frost.
Used for flower arrangements, flower beds ..
Sinuate statice "Light Blue".
The best dried flowers!
One of the most popular dried flowers. The plant is up to 70 cm high. Dried flowers retain their color for a long time. Blooms profusely from July to frost. Used for floral arrangement..
Wavyleaf Sealavender "Pink" - Limonium sinuatum.
The plant prefers sunny places, drained, loose soil. Plant height: 60 cm.
Propagated by sowing seeds in April in seedling boxes, lightly sprinkling them with fine-grained sand.
At a s..
Wavyleaf Sealavender "Pink" - Limonium sinuatum.
One of the best dried flowers ever!
Plant height: 60-70 cm.
Dried flowers retain their color for a long time. Blooms profusely from July until frost.
Use for flower arrangements, dis..